Key Stage 4
Guru Nanak Sikh Academy
Key Stage 4 Curriculum Overview
Key Stage 4 | Autumn 1 | Autumn 2 | Spring 1 | Spring 2 | Summer 1 | Summer 2 |
Year 10 Big Picture |
What was the significance of the relationship between Henry and his ministers during his reign 1509-1540? | What was the significance of the relationship between Henry and his ministers during his reign 1509-1540? |
‘The main reason for improvements to public health, medicine and surgery in the period c.1250-present was the role of government’ How far do you agree? | The main reason for improvements to public health, medicine and surgery in the period c.1250-present was the role of government’ How far do you agree? | What medical issues and breakthroughs were there on the Western Front? How did the westward expansion of White settlers lead to the destruction of the Plains Indians way of life 1836-1895? |
How did the westward expansion of White settlers lead to the destruction of the Plains Indians way of life 1836-1895? |
Year 11 Big Picture |
How did the westward expansion of White settlers lead to the destruction of the Plains Indians way of life 1836-1895? | How did the failure of Weimar Germany lead to the Nazis holding power? | How did the failure of Weimar Germany lead to the Nazis holding power? | Revision | Revise | Exams |