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Guru Nanak Sikh Academy
Early Years Foundation Curriculum Overview

EYFS Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2
Reception The Past and Present - History
Children will talk about how they have changed as they have grown and their family structure. They will access History
through traditional tales and learn about
different lifestyles in the past. They will
start to talk about past events with
weekend news.
The Past and Present - History
Children will look at changes in transport, clothes and activities from the past to now while learning about different cultures. They will understand the significance of Remembrance Day and Bonfire Night. They will learn about how religious days have been celebrated over time.
The Past and Present - History
Children will learn about pirates and what they were like. They will learn about dinosaurs, fossils and the role of archaeologists and palaeontologists in finding them.
The Past and Present - History
Children will identify changes to people, animals and plants over time. They will learn about time progression through the seasons and months of the year.
The Past and Present - History
Children will learn about cooking through time and how it has changed. They will learn about the past through the settings of stories, building on the beginning of the year. They will learn about how fantasy creatures and jobs have changed over time.
The Past and Present - History
The children will learn about extinct animals and what has happened to them. They will learn about the past through the setting of stories and their characters