Throughout the year students will complete formal assessments at designated times. Assessments are vital for us to gain further insight into students’ knowledge and understanding. They also provide an opportunity for students to review areas for improvement and to further develop their subject knowledge. Assessment grades are given to students based on the subject’s curriculum criteria as each department has a different assessment process to suit their subject.
Students receive an academic report in each term. In addition to their progress, teachers also report on attitude to learning (Learning Profile) for all year groups by giving a score between 4 and 1 for each student at every reporting point. The learning profile that is awarded is based on how well the student has met the following criteria.
We use Go4Schools to store all assessment data about our students. This means you can log in at any time to review your child’s progress.
If you are a parent or carer, you can log on to Go4Schools here.
Assessment at Key Stage 4 focuses on the academic progress each student is making towards achieving their target grade at GCSE. At Key Stage 4 students are awarded grades from 9 to 1 (with 9 being the highest grade possible at GCSE, equivalent to above an old grade A*). A ‘standard’ pass at GCSE is a Grade 4. A ‘strong’ pass at GCSE is a Grade 5. The 9-1 grading system is well established now, but for reference, an approximate comparison with the old A*-G model of assessment can be made as follows: 9 (A**), 8 (A*), 7 (A), 6 (B), 5 (B-/C+), 4 (C), 3 (D), 2 (E), 1 (F/G). Each grade is divided into three sub-grades for example:
Go4Schools tracks the current performance of a student and compares it to their end of key stage target grade. The targets represent the standard we want students to reach or exceed by the end of the key stage 3 (Year 9). Over time we expect students to move closer to their target.
At KS3 students are assessed in GEM (Get Excellent Marks) assessments in each subject. These assessments take place throughout the year in the classroom, under test conditions. The assessments are graded in one of the 4 categories Mastered, Secure, Developing or Emerging as shown in the table below:
The assessment grading table shows how expected end of year achievement could project into GCSE grades at the end of Year 11 if they continue to achieve at that level at KS3.