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Guru Nanak Sikh Academy
Key Stage 3 Curriculum Overview

Key Stage 3 Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2
Year 7
Big Picture
Leadership, preparation or luck: What led the Normans to victory? How and why did the Tudors influence religion c1350-c1603? To what extent did the execution of King Charles I lead to a tumultuous time in English history? How significant was the desire for
wealth in the colonisation of the
Americas, c.1500s?
How has the Black British presence changed from the Middle Ages to Modern Day? How has the Black British presence changed from the Middle Ages to Modern Day?
Year 8
Big Picture
Why did greater industrialisation lead to a demand for greater suffrage? To what extent did attitudes towards mental health change c.1800-c.1900? ‘Alliances were the main reason for the outbreak of WWI.’ How far do you agree? Is Lalu’s experience representative of the average WWI soldier? Why was India still under British control in the 1920s? From Pankhurst to Thatcher: did life for women change in the 1900s?
Year 9
Big Picture
What was the Holocuast and why did it happen? To what extent did Asia topple like dominoes under Stalin’s influence? ‘The 60’s and 70’s were a time of revolution.’ How far do you agree? Why was there increased migration between the mid to late 1900s? What were the consequences of 9/11? What is History?