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Guru Nanak Sikh Academy
Key Stage 1 Curriculum Overview

Key Stage 1 Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2
Year 1 My Family History
Big Picture

Children discuss where their families have come from. They learn about what life was like in their grandparent’s time and compare it to their own (schools, toys, houses, belongings).


Great Explorers
Big Picture

Children learn about different explorers, thinking about their discoveries and their impact on the world before deciding who was the greatest adventurer and why.


The Great Fire of London
Big Picture

Pupils will understand what the significant event was and how it happened. They will look at the main ways it affected London and changed society as well as what the monarchy’s response to it was


Year 2 The Gunpowder Plot
Big Picture

Children will learn about the political situation at the time including the role of religion and the monarchy. Then they will discover why the plot happened, who was involved and what happened as a result.
Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole
Big Picture

Children will learn about both individuals, their backgrounds as well as their role and contributions to nursing. Children will compare what happened to them both after the wars. They will then decide who had a bigger contribution and also why Florence Nightingale is more well-known than Mary Seacole.
Windsor Castle
Big Picture

Children will focus on Windsor castle as their local area topic and learn about its history. They will think about why it was built, how it was different to previous castles and how its role has changed over time. They will also discuss which monarchs have been linked to it.