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  • Curriculum

    Key Stage 4

    Guru Nanak Sikh Academy
    Key Stage 4 Curriculum Overview

    Key Stage 4 Autumn Spring Summer
    Year 10
    Creative Media Big Picture

    Computer Science Big Picture
    Topic area 1:

    Computational thinking – understanding of what algorithms are, what they are used for and how they work; ability to follow, amend and write algorithms; ability to construct truth tables.
    Topic area 2:

    Data – understanding of binary, data representation, data storage and compression.
    Topic area 3:

    Computers – understanding of hardware and software components of computer systems and characteristics of programming languages.
    Year 11
    Creative Media Big Picture

    Computer Science Big Picture
    Topic area 4:

    Networks – understanding of computer networks and network security.
    Topic area 5:

    Issues and impact – awareness of emerging trends in computing technologies, and the impact of computing on individuals, society and the environment, including ethical, legal and ownership issues.
    Topic area 6:

    Programming unit