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  • Curriculum

    Early Years Foundation Stage

    Guru Nanak Sikh Academy
    Early Years Foundation Curriculum Overview

    EYFS Autumn  Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2

    Big Picture

    Learning Mool Mantar
    Introduction to the concept of simran and seva
    Sikh National Anthem:-Deh Shiva- first part of the shabad
    Introduction to Guru Nanak Dev Ji and his family members.
    Bandi Chhor Divas/Diwali.
    Martyrdom of Guru Tegh Bahadur ji and chaar sahibzaade
    Meaning of Ik Onkar (one God) and religious symbols from other religions
    Life story of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji - Sikh Helpline - Giani Sukha Singh
    Bandi Chhorh Divas - Giani Sukha Singh

    Mool Mantar and 1st Pauree of Japji Sahib

    Learning about the importance of the Gurdwara

    Different places of worship

    Similarities and differences between the Gurdwara and other places of worship.

    Naming Sikh objects & features in Gurdwara.



    6 Main Religions information.docx

    Places of worship | places of worship for kids | Religion and holy book | religious place of worship

    Mool Mantar and 1st Pauree of Japji Sahib

    Sikh National Anthem-Deh Shiva shabad

    Birth of Guru Gobind Singh Ji

    Introduction to the story of Vaisakhi (Birth of Khalsa). Why do Sikhs celebrate Vaisakhi?

    Introduction to the 5Ks and the ‘Amrit Sanchar Ceremony’.

    Understand how the Khalsa was formed

    Learn about Sikh symbols Khanda.

    The Formation Of The Khalsa

    Deh Shiva || Sikh National Anthem || Khalsa Junior

    Mool Mantar and 1st and 2nd Pauree of Japji Sahib’

    The names of the
    Panj Pyare

    To know how Sikhs got their identity.






    Panj Pyare | Guru Gobind Singh Ji | Khalsa | 5 Pyare Names | Rhymes | Sikh

    Mata Gujri Ji, the wife of a supreme martyr, mother of a brave saint-soldier and the grand-mother of Chaar Sahibzade who attained martyrdom at young age.
    Chaar Sahibzade

    To learn about the bravery of Char Sahibzade.







     Chaar Sahibzaade song | Let's learn the names of Guru Gobind Singh Ji's Sons | Nursery Rhymes

    SHARE Values: Respect, Equality/ Seva and Humanity
    Multi-Faith Link- Hinduism: Diwali &
    Christianity: Christmas
    SHARE Values: Seva / Humility
    Multi-Faith Link- All Religions: Worship places, holy books, founders
    SHARE Values: Seva / Humility/ Equality
    Multi-Faith Link- Christianity: Easter
    SHARE Values: Seva / Humility
    Multi-Faith Link: Christianity: Baptism
    SHARE Values: Seva / Humility/ Respect
    Multi-Faith Link- All Religions: Sacrifices