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Guru Nanak Sikh Academy
Key Stage 1 Curriculum Overview

Pupils observe, explore and ask questions about living things, materials and phenomena. They begin to work together to collect evidence to help them answer questions and to link this to simple scientific ideas. They evaluate evidence and consider whether tests or comparisons are fair. They use reference materials to find out more about scientific ideas. They share their ideas and communicate them using scientific language, drawings, charts and tables.

Key Stage 1 Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2

Year 1

Biology Biology Chemistry Chemistry Biology Biology
Big Picture

Pupils will have opportunities to
learn the names of the body. They will also learn about which part of the body is associated with each sense.
Animals and Humans
Big Picture

Children will identify and name, look closely at and compare and contrast different animals and their structure. They will also categorise animals into
carnivores, herbivores and omnivores.
Big Picture

Pupils will explore,name and discuss and raise questions and answers about familiar everyday materials so that they become familiar with the
names and properties.
Big Picture

Pupils will compare and group various materials and work scientifically by performing simple tests.
Big Picture

Pupils will learn to identify and describe the basic structure of flowering plants & trees. They also learn to identify a variety of common wild and garden plants including deciduous and evergreen trees
Seasonal Changes (across whole year)
Big Picture

Pupils will observe and talk about changes in the weather and the seasons. They will learn about how seasons impact humans and animals. Also, they will learn about the impact of weather and seasons on the length of days.

Year 2

Biology Biology Chemistry Biology Biology Biology
Big Picture

Pupils will learn about different ways to keep themselves healthy. They will consider the importance of eating the right amounts of food and the importance of exercise. They will then learn about the importance of hygiene.
Humans and Animals
Big Picture

Children will learn the basic needs of
animals, including humans, for
survival (water, food and air),the need
for warmth and shelter and additional
needs for health and well-being. Compare and contrast the life cycles of animal to
that of a human.
Uses of Materials
Big Picture

Pupils should identify and discuss
the uses of different everyday materials. They should think about the properties of materials that
make them suitable or unsuitable for particular purposes and they should be encouraged to think
about unusual and creative uses for
everyday materials.
Big Picture

Pupils will observe and describe how
seeds and bulbs grow into mature
plants. Pupils will find out and describe how plants need water, light and suitable temperature to grow and stay healthy.
Living things and their habitats
Big Picture

Pupils will explore and compare the differences between things that are living, dead, and things that have never been alive. Pupils will learn about animal habitats and microhabitats
Living things and their habitats
Big Picture

Pupils will learn why and how animals are suited to their habitat. Also, they will describe how animals obtain their food from plants and other animals, using the idea of a simple food chain.