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  • Curriculum

    Early Years Foundation Stage

    Guru Nanak Sikh Academy
    Early Years Foundation Curriculum Overview

    EYFS Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2

    Big Picture

    - Reception children will be developing their listening and understanding skills by learning Panjabi numbers, body parts, fruits and vegetables through Punjabi rhymes.

    First Five letters

    CC LINK:- Literacy:- All about me
    Numeracy:-Ordinal Numbers
    - To develop understanding of vocabulary related to greetings, numbers, family & friends through singing poems.
    - To develop understanding of the Punjabi alphabets by singing alphabet songs.
    -To develop their listening, speaking and understanding skills by learning a range of Punjabi rhymes.

    Recap on First five letters

    CC LINK:- Answering questions based on
    own experiences
    - Children will be learning new vocabulary by talking about their daily routine.
    - To develop understanding of the Punjabi alphabets by singing alphabet songs.

    First 10 letters

    CC LINK:- Sharing and taking turns ,
    Circle time
    - Listening, understanding and interpreting Panjabi stories. (A Very Hungry Caterpillar in
    - Children will be learning the correct pronunciation of Panjabi Alphabet.

    Recap on First 10 letters

    CC LINK:- Making healthy food choices
    - Read, write and recognise the first fifteen letters of Punjabi alphabets.
    - Children will be learning the correct pronunciation and correct formation of Panjabi Alphabet.

    15 letters of the Punjabi alphabet

    CC LINK:-Literacy:- Phonic sounds
    - Three little Pigs in Punjabi
    - Concept of remembering and repeating.
    - Talking about special events
    - Read, write and recognise the first
    fifteen letters of Punjabi alphabets.

    Recap on the first 15 letters of the Punjabi alphabet.

    CC LINK:-Literacy:- Pets at home
    Literacy Skills Links
    - Listening to stories (Goldilock)
    - Singing English nursery rhymes in Punjabi.
    - Shopping list of fruits and vegetables and say the name of each fruit in English and Punjabi.
    - Punjabi letters and sounds
    - Circle time – listening and speaking
    - To interpret in English what is being said in Panjabi.
    - Talking about family and friends
    - Past and present tense in Punjabi.
    - Sing the number poems (Once I caught a fish alive, five little monkeys) in Punjabi.
    - interpreting from English to
    - Conversation about their daily
    routine in English and then in Punjabi.
    - The Very Hungry Caterpillar in
    - Look at the beginning middle and
    ends of stories and answer ‘how’
    and ‘why’ questions
    - Translate fruits and days in
    - Identify & repeat rhymes in English Nursery Rhymes in
    - To listen and follow the instructions in English to form the Punjabi letters.
    - To understand the initial sounds in English.
    - Name the objects begin with each letter and translate in English.
    - Listening to stories (The three-little pig).
    - Look at the beginning middle and ends of stories and answer ‘how’ and ‘why’ questions
    - Invite children to interpret in English what is being said in Panjabi.
    - Children say the phonic sound of each letter.