Key Stage 4 | Autumn 1 | Autumn 2 | Spring 1 | Spring 2 | Summer 1 | Summer 2 |
Year 10 Big Picture |
My family and relationships, famous people What is the importance of relationships and social life? Nouns/genders/plural/ articles/adjectives |
Global issues How does poverty and homelessness affect our life? Social issues Charity/voluntary work How do charity and voluntary services support tackle social issues? Perfect/imperfect tenses/pronouns |
My home town and environment What are the causes and effects of Global warming? Possessives/preposi tions/ Adverbs |
My School and Education Job and career What is the importance education and career in life? Present/progressive/ numbers/time/Ways of expressing Future tense/conditional tenses |
Customs and festivals in Panjabi- speaking countries/ communities Why is it important to celebrate festivals ? Impersonal /verbs/ comparison of adverbs End of year Exams |
Travel and Tourism Why holidays are important for us ? |
Year 11 Big Picture |
Free time activities Cinema/TV/Sports What is the importance of free time activities in our life? |
Healthy and unhealthy living Why healthy lifestyle is important to us? |
Technology in everyday life What are the impacts of the technology in daily life? |
Revision and preparation for Final Exams |
Revision and preparation for Final Exams |
External Exams |