Please click on the links below to view the Foundation Checklist and Higher Checklist
Foundation Checklist
Higher Checklist
Key Stage 4 | Autumn 1 | Autumn 2 | Spring 1 | Spring 2 | Summer 1 | Summer 2 |
Y10 (Foundation Course) Big Picture |
Topic : Fractions Big Question: Why do you need to find a common denominator in order to add and subtract fractions? When does multiplication/division by a fraction result in an answer greater than/less than the original number?
Topic: Decimals Big Question: What’s the point? When were negative numbers invented (…or discovered)? What did people do before decimals?
Topic : Percentages Big Question: What influences the percentage of our brain that we use? Where and how in real life is percentage increase and decrease commonly used?
Topic : Rounding, estimation & accuracy Big Question: Why can estimation be useful? Big Question: Why are base 2 numbers so important to technological changes? |
Topic: Powers & roots Big Question Why are irrational numbers called surds?
Topic – Algebra How can Algebra help us in the real world? What comes first, the problem or the solution?
Topic : Formula Where are simultaneous equations used outside of mathematics lessons?
Topic : Equations Big Question: How many solutions does an equation have? Is a calculator better than a brain? Topic: Functions & Sequences Big Question: How can establishing patterns in the natural world help in understanding relationships?
Topic: Angles Big Question: What are degrees? Who chose to use them and why? Why are angles important in the construction of buildings?
Topic: Pythagoras’ Theorem Big Question: Why is the diagonal length of a square not equal to its side length?
Topic: Trigonometry Big Question: there a relationship between the ratios of the sides of a right-angle triangle? Why is the diagonal length of a square not equal to its side length? Big Question: Is there a relationship between the ratios of the sides of a right-angle triangle? |
Topic: Transformations Big Question: How do shapes relate to one another and what changes/stays the same when we apply rules of mathematical modification?
Topic: Mensuration Big Question: Why do we need to measure length, area and volume? Who might want to use these? How does the volume of a quantity differ from its area? |
Topic: Sampling & representing data Big Question: How can we find information about a characteristic of a population?
Topic: Data Analysis Big Question: How can we use the information we have collected about a population to make inference?
Topic: Probability Big Question: Is there an effective way to find the unknown?
Topic: Ratio & Proportion Big Question: What is “Golden Ratio”? How do architects and engineers make use of ratio and proportion?
Topic: Construction Big Question: Do all shapes occur naturally? What do all the radii of a circle have in common?
Y10 (Higher Course) Big Picture |
Topic: Fractions Big Question: Why do you need to find a common denominator in order to add and subtract fractions? When does multiplication/division by a fraction result in an answer greater than/less than the original number?
Topic: Decimals Big Question: What’s the point? When were negative numbers invented (…or discovered)? What did people do before decimals? Topic: Rounding, Estimation and Accuracy Big Question: Why can estimation be useful?
Topic: Surds Big Question: What is a rational and irrational number?
Topic: Algebra Big Question: How can Algebra help us in the real world? What comes first, the problem or the solution?
Topic: Formula Big Question: Is a calculator better than a brain?
Topic: Further Algebra Big Question: How can we model situations that involve motion, including acceleration, stopping distance and distance travelled using quadratic expressions and formulae?
Topic: Equations Big Question: How many solutions does an equation have? Is a calculator better than a brain?
Topic: functions & sequences Big Question: How can establishing patterns in the natural world help in understanding relationships? Topic: Pythag & trigonometry Big Question: Is there a relationship between the ratios of the sides of a right-angle triangle? Why is the diagonal length of a square not equal to its side length?
Topic: Similarity Big Question: How do shapes relate to one another and what changes/stays the same when we apply rules of mathematical modification? |
Topic: Congruence Big Question: How do shapes relate to one another and what changes/stays the same when we apply rules of mathematical modification?
Topic: Perimeter & Area Big Question: Can the area and perimeter of a shape ever be equal?
Topic: Volume & Surface Area Big Question: What is a rational and irrational number?
Topic: Transformations Big Question: How do shapes relate to one another and what changes/stays the same when we apply rules of mathematical modification?
Topic: Probability Big Question: How do shapes relate to one another and what changes/stays the same when we apply rules of mathematical modification?
Topic: Mensuration Big Question: Why do we need to measure length, area and volume? Who might want to use these? How does the volume of a quantity differ from its area? |
Y11 (Foundation Course) Big Picture |
Topic: Inequalities Big Question: How do shapes relate to one another and what changes/stays the same when we apply rules of mathematical modification?
Topic: Perimeter & area Big Question: Can the area and perimeter of a shape ever be equal? Big Question: How do shapes relate to one another and what changes/stays the same when we apply rules of mathematical modification?
Topic: Volume & surface area Big Question: How do shapes relate to one another and what changes/stays the same when we apply rules of mathematical modification? |
Topic: Congruence & similarity Big Question: Do all equations always have a solution? Is it possible to have an x-intercept?
Topic: Straight line graphs Big Question: Can you spot and plot the relationship between x and y? |
Topic: Graphs of functions & equations Big Question: How do shapes relate to one another and what changes/stays the same when we apply rules of mathematical modification?
Topic: Further Algebra Big Question: How to travel like an Egyptian…. Vectors are used for calculations in 2D. Can we use them in 3D? What other subjects or topics might use vectors? |
Topic: Vectors Big Question: What is the price of money? Have a look at some savings accounts for high street banks. What interesting words you discover? Topic: Growth & Decay Big Question: How can knowing about mathematical relationships lead to a better understanding of how environmental systems evolve? |
Y11 (Higher Course) Big Picture |
Topic: Construction & loci Big Question: What is a rational and irrational number?
Topic: Growth & Decay Big Question: What is the price of money? What is exponential growth?
Topic: Ratio & proportion Big Question: What is “Golden Ratio”? How do architects and engineers make use of ratio and proportion? |
Topic: Graphs of functions & equations Big Question: How can we use the nature of the data and the relationship between values to determine the shape and form of the graph?
Topic: Transforming curves Big Question: How do shapes relate to one another and what changes/stays the same when we apply rules of mathematical modification?
Topic: Algebraic inequalities Big Question: How can we find the graphing constraints for a project to find regions of feasibility and identify the best solution? |
Topic: Circles Big Question: How do shapes relate to one another and what changes/stays the same when we apply rules of mathematical modification?
Topic: Vectors Big Question: How to travel like an Egyptian…. Vectors are used for calculations in 2D. Can we use them in 3D? What other subjects or topics might use vectors?
Topic: Sampling & representing data Big Question: How can we find information about a characteristic of a population? |
Topic: Data analysis & interpretation of graphs Big Question: How can knowing about mathematical relationships lead to a better understanding of how environmental systems evolve? |