Key Stage 1 | Autumn 1 | Autumn 2 | Spring 1 | Spring 2 | Summer 1 | Summer 2 |
Year 1 |
Art & Design | DT | Art & Design | DT | Art & Design | DT |
Formal Elements of Art Big picture Exploring three of the formal elements of art: shape, line and colour, children will mix and paint with secondary colours; use circles to create abstract compositions and work collaboratively to create a class piece of art inspired by water. |
Mechanisms: Making a moving story book Big picture Children experiment with sliders before planning and making three pages of a moving story book, based on a familiar story. They will draw the page backgrounds, make the moving parts and assemble it. |
Landscapes using different media Big picture Learning about composition and working with different art materials to create texture for a project they develop over the five lessons. Based on the theme of The seaside with support for adapting to the alternative theme of Castles. The unit can also be easily adapted to other topics |
Food: fruit and vegetables Big picture Children handle and explore fruits and vegetables and learn how to identify which category they fall into, before undertaking taste testing to establish their chosen ingredients for the smoothie they will make a design packaging for. |
Art and Design skills Big picture In this collection of lessons children learn and develop their skills in: design, drawing, craft, painting and art appreciation; undertaking two different printing techniques, using 2D shapes to explore a variety of media, mixing different shades of one colour and discussing the work of artist Louis Wain. |
Structures: Constructing a windmill Big picture Taking inspiration from the song ‘Mouse in a windmill’, children design, decorate and build a windmill for their mouse client to live in. They will develop an understanding of different types of windmill, how they work and their key features. |
Year 2 |
Art & Design | DT | Art & Design | DT | Art & Design | DT |
Formal elements of Art Big picture Exploring the formal elements of art: pattern, texture and tone; children will create printed patterns using everyday objects; take rubbings using different media and learn how to make their drawings |
Textiles: Pouches Big picture Children will develop their sewing techniques by first learning to sew a running stitch. They will create templates and join fabrics together to create a pouch. |
Sculpture and 3D: Clay Big picture Children will explore the way clay can be shaped and joined. They learn a range of essential skills for working with the medium. Children learn about the sculpture of Rachel Whitecreate and create their own clay house tile in response. |
Mechanisms: Making a moving monster Big picture After learning the terms; pivot, lever and linkage, children set to designing a monster that will move using a linkage mechanism. After practising making linkages of different types and varying the materials they use, children can also bring their monsters to life with the gift of movement. |
Human form Big picture Exploring how bodies and faces are portrayed in art: looking at the work of a number of artists, using their bodies to form shapes, creating collages, drawing portraits and creating a peg figure |
Food: A balanced diet Big picture Through their exploration of what makes a balanced diet, children taste test food combinations of different food groups. They will also aim to make a wrap that includes a healthy mix of protein, vegetables and dairy, and learn about the term ‘hidden sugars’. |