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  • Curriculum

    Key Stage 4

    Guru Nanak Sikh Academy
    Key Stage 4 Curriculum Overview

    Key Stage 4 Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2
    Theme 1 Investigating small business
    Year 10 1.1 Enterprise and
    You will explore
    how business ideas
    come about and the
    risks and rewards
    associated with
    1.2 Spotting a
    You will learn to
    identify customer
    needs that can lead
    to a business
    opportunity. A
    range of primary
    and secondary
    research methods
    are also explored to
    assess the needs of
    the target market.
    1.3 Putting a
    business idea into
    You will learn about
    the importance of
    setting up aims and
    objectives and the
    sources of finance
    available to start up
    a small business.
    1.4 Making the
    business effective
    You will explore a
    range of factors that
    impact on the
    success of the
    business such as the
    type of business
    1.5 Understanding
    external influences
    on business
    An understanding of
    external factors that
    may possibly
    influence business
    operations, many of
    which are outside of
    the immediate
    control of the
    business will be
    Summer Yr10 Mocks
    Theme 2 Building a business
    Year 11 2.1 Growing a
    You will explore the
    options of growing a
    business. This could
    be internally
    through franchising
    and developing new
    products or
    externally through a
    merger or a
    2.2 Making
    marketing decisions
    You will learn how
    to make effective
    marketing decisions
    that may result from
    a business
    growth. From a
    perspective you will
    begin to recognise
    the importance of
    the marketing mix
    elements: product,
    price, promotion
    and place and
    explore how each
    one is used
    effectively to make
    informed business
    2.3 Making
    From an operational
    perspective you will
    learn about the
    different methods
    of production such
    as job, flow and
    batch production.
    You will also learn
    about the stages of
    procurement, the
    factors affecting the
    choice of suppliers
    and the importance
    of good quality.
    2.4 Making financial
    You will confidently
    calculate profit,
    revenue and
    break-even point for
    given scenarios.
    2.5 Making human
    resource decisions
    You will understand
    the importance of
    making human
    resource decisions,
    the impact of
    having an
    structure with
    clearly defined roles
    and responsibilities
    in place on
    decision making,
    and management
    External Assessments