Key Stage 2 | Autumn 1 | Autumn 2 | Spring 1 | Spring 2 | Summer 1 | Summer 2 |
Year 3 |
Biology | Biology | Chemistry | Physics | Biology | Physics |
Humans Big Picture Pupils will continue to learn about the importance of nutrition and research different food groups and how they keep us healthy. They will design meals based on what they find out. |
Animals and Humans Big Picture Children will compare and contrast the nutrition of different animals to humans. They will identify that humans and some other animals haveskeletons and muscles for support, protection and movement. |
Rocks and Soils Big Picture Pupils will compare and group different rocks on the basis of their appearance and properties. They will learn how fossils are formed and recognise that soils are made from rocks and organic matter |
Light Big Picture Pupils will explore what happens when light reflects off reflective surfaces. They will learn why it is important to protect their eyes from bright lights. Also, they will explore shadows, and find out how they are formed and what might cause the shadows to change. |
Plants Big Picture Pupils will be introduced to the relationship between structure and function: the idea that every part has a job to do. They will explore questions that focus on the role of the roots and stem in nutrition and support, leaves for nutrition and flowers for reproduction. |
Forces and Magnets Big Picture Pupils should observe that magnetic forces can act without direct contact, unlike most forces, where direct contact is necessary. They will also explore the behaviour and everyday uses of different magnets |
Year 4 |
Biology | Biology | Biology | Chemistry | Physics | Physics |
Humans Big Picture Pupils will be introduced to the main body parts associated with the digestive system and explore questions that help them to understand their special functions. |
Animals and Humans Big Picture Children will construct and interpret a variety of food chains, identifying producers, predators and prey. Identify types of human teeth and their functions. |
Living things and their habitats Big Picture Pupils should use the local environment throughout the year to raise and answer questions that help them to identify and study plants and animals in their habitat |
States of matter Big Picture Pupils should explore a variety of everyday materials and develop simple descriptions of the states of matter; solid, liquid and gas. They should note the effect of cooling and heating water |
Sound Big Picture Pupils should explore and identify the way sound is made through vibration in a range of different musical instruments from around the world; and find out how the pitch and volume of sounds can be changed in a variety of ways. |
Electricity Big Picture Pupils should identify common appliances that run on electricity and learn to construct simple series circuits, trying different components. |
Year 5 |
Biology | Physics | Chemistry | Chemistry | Biology | Physics |
Animals and Humans Big Picture Pupils will draw a timeline to indicate stages in the growth and development of humans. They will learn about changes in puberty. Research gestation periods of humans and animals. |
Forces Big Picture Pupils will explore the concept of gravity. They will also learn about the effects of air resistance, water resistance and friction. They will also recognise that some mechanisms including levers,pulleys and gears allow a smaller force to have a greater effect. |
Properties and changes of materials Big Picture Pupils should think about the properties of materials that make them suitable or unsuitable for particular purposes and they should be encouraged to think about unusual and creative uses for everyday materials. |
Properties and changes of materials Big Picture Pupils should explore reversible changes, including evaporating, filtering, sieving, melting and dissolving, recognising that melting and dissolving are different processes. Pupils should explore changes that are difficult to reverse. |
Living things and their habitats Big Picture Pupils should learn and observe life-cycle changes in a variety of living things. They should find out about different types of reproduction, including sexual and asexual reproduction in plants, and sexual reproduction in animals. |
Earth and Space Big Picture Pupils should be introduced to a model of the sun and Earth that enables them to explain day and night. They should learn that the sun is a star at the centre of our solar system and that it has 8 planets. They also should learn that the moon orbits a planet. |
Year 6 |
Biology | Biology | Biology | Biology | Physics | Physics |
Humans Big Picture Pupils will learn to name the main parts of the circulatory system and describe the functions of the heart, blood vessels and blood. They will learn about the impact of diet, exercise, drugs and lifestyle on the body. |
Animals and Humans Big Picture Pupils will learn to describe the ways nutrients and water are transported within animals, including humans. |
Evolution and Inheritance Big Picture Pupils should find out more about how living things on earth have changed over time. They should be introduced to the idea that characteristics are passed from parents to their offspring. Adaptations in animals and plants will also beidentified. |
Living things and their habitats Big Picture Pupils should classify animals into commonly found invertebrates and vertebrates. They will learn the significance of the work of scientists such as Carl Linnaeus, a pioneer of classification. |
Light Big Picture Pupils will learn that light travels in straight lines. They will be exploring the way that light behaves, including light sources, reflection and shadows |
Electricity Big Picture Pupils will learn how to represent a simple circuit in a diagram using recognised symbols. They will construct simple series circuits, to help them to answer questions about what happens when they try different arrangements of components. |