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  • Curriculum

    Key Stage 3

    Guru Nanak Sikh Academy
    Key Stage 3 Curriculum Overview

    Key Stage 3 Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2
    Year 7
    Big Picture
    Map skills
    Why are maps so important and what information do they hold? Linked to: all topics in Years 7-13
    Tectonic Hazards
    What are Tectonic Hazards and why do they vary in how and where they occur?

    Linked to: Year 7 Earth’s resources, Population, Africa; Year 8 Development, About the UK; Year 9 Glaciation, Coasts; GCSE Hazardous Earth, UK’s evolving physical landscape, Development Dynamics, Coasts,; A level
    Tectonic process and hazards
    Earth’s resources
    How are the Earth’s resources produced and consumed around the world?
    Where do people live and why?
    Weather and Climate
    What is Weather and Climate and why does it vary over space and time?
    How do physical and human factors interact to make Africa such a varied continent?
    Year 8
    Big Picture
    How and why does Development vary around the world?
    About the UK
    How and why do physical and human factors interact to make the UK vary between different regions?
    What impact are humans having on the world's major ecosystems?
    What is Globalisation and how does it impact different parts of the world?
    How do physical and human factors interact to make Russia such a varied country?
    How and why do rivers change along their course?
    Year 9
    Big Picture
    Climate Change
    What is the climate emergency and howis it impacting the future of our planet?
    How and why has Glaciation altered the UK’s physical landscape?
    Why is Urbanisation increasing and how does it vary in different parts of the world?
    Introduction to

    Why is fieldwork so land forms vary around the UK?
    How and why do coastal processes and landforms vary around the UK?
    How do physical and human factors interact to make China such a varied country?