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    Year 6

    Welcome to Year 6

    • 6M – Mrs Bhachu 
    • 6M LSA – Mrs Uppal
    • 6DV – Miss Kajla
    • 6DV LSA – Mrs Jheeta 

    In year 6 we aim to provide opportunities that will interest and enthuse our children to learn and develop core skills that will make their transition into secondary as smooth as possible. Throughout the year, the topics taught will allow children to be literate, numerate, sociable, healthy and have an understanding of the world. Each term, curriculum maps will be available on the website detailing what children will be learning. As this is their final year in primary school, we expect pupils to carry out additional research as well as practice skills taught in school every day.

    Year 6 Maths

    In Maths, we teach children the fundamentals of mathematics so that they can recall and apply their knowledge accurately. By the end of year 6, a child should be fluent in formal written methods for all four operations including long multiplication and division and in working with fractions, decimals and percentages and ratios. Children should be able to reason and solve a wider range of problems, including increasingly complex properties of numbers and arithmetic.

    Year 6 Reading

    Our aim is to develop an appreciation and love of reading, and read increasingly challenging material independently. As a life skill and we continue to emphasise the importance of reading every day. All pupils have access to the school and class library which offers a range of books for them to choose from. By the end of year 6, we expect pupils to read fluently and effortlessly for them to manage the general demands of the curriculum in year 7, across all subjects and not just in English. Pupils will have guided reading sessions each week and we will be focusing on drawing inferences and justifying with evidence, predicting, summarising the main ideas and Identifying how language, structure and presentation contribute to meaning. Please ensure you support your child by having discussions about the text they are reading.

    Year 6 Writing

    In writing, our aim is for pupils to write accurately, fluently, effectively for a wide range of purposes and audiences. Each half term we will focus on two genres which will allow pupils to develop their understanding of the language and features pertinent to the unit. In addition children will build on their grammatical knowledge and be able to apply this concept to their own speech and writing and to note where it is used by others.

    Creative curriculum and Science

    As part of the creative curriculum, we will be exploring various topics such as: South America; Crime and punishment; How life in Britain has changed since 1948; Extreme Earth; Our local area; How do we use Greek ideas? In Science, pupils will be involved in theory and practical lessons throughout the year. Our topics this year Include: Changing Circuits; Healthy Bodies / Animals including humans; Evolution and inheritance; Living things and their habitats; Seeing light.

    Other Information

    All pupils will receive homework on a Monday, Wednesday and a Friday. This will include: Literacy, Maths, Science, History/Geography, Grammar and Spellings. Pupils will have a week to learn their spellings and will be tested every Monday. Furthermore, your child’s school diary should be signed and ready to be checked every week.

    We will change our library books and class reading books once a week. We would appreciate it if you could listen to your child read; they should be reading at least four times a week and the record will be checked once a week. As part of the Mathematics curriculum, please support your child to practice mental maths strategies, learn the times tables and use the Mangahigh and Times Table Rockstars website.