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    Year 4

    Welcome to Year 4

    • 4M - Mr Willaims
    • 4M LSA - Mrs Gill
    • 4P - Mrs Tanvir
    • 4P LSA - Ms Sarin

    Welcome to the Year 4 page.  On this page, you will find out about the learning that will be taking place as well as other important information, such as trips and general routines. We fully understand and support the idea that education and enjoyment go hand in hand. However, our expectations are extremely high for achievement, behaviour and uniform. 

    Year 4 English

    In English, the children will focus upon the three main areas for writing - fiction, non-fiction and poetry. They will read the story of Hansel and Gretel and look to create their own story based upon key themes read. They will read the diary of Anne Frank and look closely at the features in order to write their own diary entry. Children will be studying poetry texts, noting similarities and differences as well as having the chance to write their own piece of poetry. In reading, children will continue to develop their own expressions and intonation, becoming more fluent.They will continue to learn how to draw inferences such as characters’ feelings, thoughts and motives from their actions, and justify inferences with evidence.

    Year 4 Maths

    In Maths, the children will be learning to use formal written methods for addition and subtraction with upto 4 digits. They will work on recalling multiplication and division facts up to 12 x 12. They will be comparing and classifying geometric shapes including quadrilaterals and triangles, converting different units of measure (for example, hours to minutes) as well as reading Roman numerals up to 100. 

    Year 4 Science

    Science in Year 4 will consist of children learning about ‘States of Matter’ - comparing solids, liquids and gases, ‘Living in Environments’, looking closely at animals and how they are adapted to their habitats, ‘Eating and Digestion’, which includes looking at what makes a healthy diet. Children will learn how to work scientifically and write up their investigations in a more formal way- using predictions, methods, results and conclusions-which is a key part of the KS2 Science curriculum.

    Creative Curriculum

    History in Year 4 will include looking at the Early Civilizations and key developments within each - for example, when money was first used. They will look into the key figures within the Tudor Period and we hope to plan a year group trip to Hampton Court Palace this year too!  

    Other Information

    One of the most exciting things about Year 4, is that the children go swimming as a part of PE.  Each class will attend for half of the academic year. Please ensure that your child brings the correct kit with them every Monday and if possible, please provide extra swimming opportunities by visiting your local swimming pool!

    PE lessons take place on a Thursday for the class that do not attend swimming. Please ensure that your child has the correct kit for them for the relevant session. Spelling tests take place on Mondays, when they will be issued the next spelling list due for the following Monday. Homework is set on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. In addition to the homework set, children are requested to read at home on a daily basis for at least ten minutes. The school has bought into some wonderful online learning resources and children are highly encouraged to use these when and where possible to further aid their studies!