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Guru Nanak Sikh Academy
Key Stage 2 Curriculum Overview

Key Stage 2 Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2

Year 3

Art & Design DT Art & Design DT Art & Design DT
Prehistoric Art
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Experimenting with charcoal, berries,leaves, homemade paints and more. Children grasp a sense of what it was like to create art thousands of years ago. They will explore why these pieces were created.
Structures: Constructing a castle
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Pupils will develop their knowledge of 2D and 3D shapes to design and construct their own castle design. Children will create their castles according to a design criteria and evaluate their structure after constructing it.
Formal elements of Art
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Exploring two of the formal elements of art: shape and tone; children find shapes in everyday objects; use shapes as guidelines to draw accurately from observation; create form and shape using wire and practice shading neatly and from light to dark.
Food: Eating seasonally
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Children discover when and where fruits and vegetables are grown and also learn about seasonality in the UK. They will also learn about the relationship between the colour of fruits and vegetables and their health benefits by making three dishes using seasonal ingredients.
Art and Design skills
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Developing skills in: design, drawing, craft, painting and art appreciation; making a variety of puppets using different materials, completing a drawing from observation, learning the difference between a tint and a shade and creating versions of a cartoon drawn by a famous illustrator.
Textiles: Cushions
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Building on previous learning of the basics of sewing, children will be introduced to two new skills: cross stitch and appliqué. After learning these techniques, they apply their knowledge to the design, decoration and assembly of their own cushions.

Year 4

Art & Design DT Art & Design DT Art & Design DT
Formal elements of Art
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Exploring two of the formal elements of art: texture and pattern; pupils develop a range of mark-making techniques, make and use their own textured stamps for printing; draw a ‘flip’ pattern and recreate a famous and ancient geometric pattern.
Mechanical Systems: Making a slingshot car
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Children transform lollipop sticks, wheels, dowels and straws into a moving car. They will be using a glue gun to construct the materials, making the launch mechanism, designing and also making the body of the vehicle using nets and assembling these to the chassis.
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In this topic, children’s work is influenced by a range of inspirational sculptors as they explore and use unusual objects to create their own 3D works of art. As well as having the opportunity to create drums and maracas from recycled materials, pupils also look at different techniques, such as wax resist and collages to create different effects.
Food: Adapting a recipe
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Children work in groups to adapt a simple biscuit recipe, to create the tastiest biscuit. While making they will also ensure that their creation comes within the given budget of overheads and costs of ingredients.
Art and Design skills
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In this collection of lessons children learn and develop their skills in: design, drawing, craft, painting and art appreciation; creating an optical illusion print, replicating a plate in the famous willow pattern, carving sculptures out of soap, drawing a collection of still life objects, painting and mixing colours like Paul Cézanne and learning about the role of a ‘curator’.
Digital World: Mindful Moments Timer
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In this topic , children design, program, prototype and brand a Micro:bit mindful moments timer, to a specified amount of minutes. They carry out research and existing product analysis to determine how a programmable product may be used to aid a mindfulness moment.

Year 5

Art & Design DT Art & Design DT Art & Design DT
Formal elements: Architecture
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Children learn how to draw from observation, create a print and draw from different perspectives. They learn about the role of an architect and are challenged to consider why houses look the way they do and if there is scope to change and improve them.
Electrical systems: Electronic cards
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This unit builds on pupils' knowledge of how to incorporate electrical circuits into products from Y4. Children explore how circuits can be adapted to suit different purposes, explore series circuits and recreate one using conductive adhesive tape. They then apply this knowledge to design and create an electronic greeting card.
Painting and Mixed Media
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In this collection of lessons children investigate self-portraits by a range of artists. children use photographs of themselves as a starting point for their own unique self-portraits in mixed media. Concluding their investigation of portraits by evaluating ideas and giving feedback, then creating finished self portraits in their chosen materials.
Food: What could be healthier?
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Focusing on nutrition, children research and modify a traditional bolognese sauce recipe to make it healthier. They will cook their new and improved versions, make appropriate packaging and also learn about the ethical considerations of farming cattle.
Every picture tells a story
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Looking at the meaning behind art, children: analyse the intentions of Banksy; make ink symmetry prints inspired by psychologist Rorschach; tell a story using emojis; use drama to recreate a poignant war scene and are inspired by the ceramic work of Magdalene Odundo, to work expressively outside.
Mechanical systems: Making a pop-up book
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This topic develops children’s understanding of mechanical systems by producing a suitable plan for each page of their book; use a range of mechanisms and structures to illustrate their story and make it interactive for the users

Year 6

Art & Design DT Art & Design DT Art & Design DT
Art and Design skills
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In this collection of lessons children learn and develop their skills in: design, drawing, craft, painting and art appreciation; working as a group to design a hat, creating zentangle patterns and subsequent prints, painting in the style of impressionist painters and exploring the piece ‘Nighthawks’ by Edward Hopper
Structure: Playgrounds
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In this sequence of lessons, children will design and create a model for a new playground featuring five apparatus, made from three different structures. Using a footprint as the base, practise visualising objects in plain view and get creative including natural features.
Make my voice heard
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Exploring art with a message, children look at the famous ‘Guernica’ by Picasso and the confronting works of Käthe Kollwitz and through the mediums of graffiti, drawing, painting and sculpture, pupils create their own artworks that speak to the viewer
Textiles: Waistcoats
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Using the skills they’ve developed over the past few years, children select fabrics, use templates, pin, decorate and stitch to create a waistcoat for a person or purpose of their choosing
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Through developing their photography skills, children cover useful artistic concepts in a new context, looking at: composition, colour, light, abstract images and underlying messages. Familiarising themselves with new photography artists, children gain a new perspective on the way they look at the people and objects around them, capturing and presenting images in different ways.
Food: Come dine with me
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Working in groups, children research and prepare a three-course meal taught as a rotational activity over three lessons. They will taste-test and score their food and when they aren’t cooking, they will research the journey of their main ingredient from ‘farm to fork’ or write a favourite recipe to include in a class cookbook.