Our academy is a Sikh Faith school with Academy status. Sant Baba Amar Singh Ji is our Founder and Spiritual Leader.
Religious education is provided in accordance with the Sikh faith as specified in the Academy’s Trust deed. We aim to give pupils knowledge and understanding of religious beliefs and practices so that they may continue in their own beliefs whilst at the same time respecting those of other people. All pupils are taught a weekly lesson of Sikh studies which includes religious education. Assemblies play an important part in developing the ethos and community spirit within the school. They are broadly Sikh (recitation of Japji Sahib, Shabads, Ardas and Hukamnama), but include stories and messages from a wide range of cultures, religions and faiths.
The values of the Multi Academies Trust are encapsulated by the S.H.A.R.E acronym. These values are at the heart of everything we do as a school, and they describe the qualities our students and staff value most- Service to others, Humility, Achievement, Respect and Equality.