Key Stage 4 | Autumn 1 | Autumn 2 | Spring 1 | Spring 2 | Summer 1 | Summer 2 |
Year 10 Big Picture |
Living the Christian Life ‘All prayer should be informal.’ How far would Christians agree with this statement? |
Living the Sikh Life ‘All Sikhs should worship in the Gurdwara.’ How far would Sikhs agree with this statement? |
Matters of Life After Death ‘It is always wrong to end life.’ How far would Christians agree with this statement? |
Equality ‘All human rights laws must be protected.’ How far would Sikhs agree with this? |
Revision | MOCK |
Year 11 Big Picture |
Philosophy of Religion ‘Miracles can lead to belief in God.’ Why would Sikhs agree with this? |
Revision | Revision | Exam Prep | Exam Prep |