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Our School

Guru Nanak Sikh Academy has a history of excellence and our vision is that GNSA Sixth Form students will be well-rounded, intellectually, socially and emotionally.

Our students will 'Acquire' the knowledge and skills that will allow them to 'Achieve' success in life, work and learning to be able to flourish and serve our society and ultimately go on to do what they  'Aspire' to do.'

Parents, teachers and leaders make a vital contribution to Sixth Form student’s achievements and I want to develop this relationship between the school and parents for everyone’s benefit.

Supported by our Vision and  SHARE values our aim is to help the development of young people in our Sixth Form so that they come to regard themselves as key members of an exciting and progressive school community. By utilising the excellent resources provided by the school, our students are able to realise their aspirations, ultimately to become citizens who contribute to their profession and to humanity.

Our ASPIRE programme

  • A – Adapt – A smooth transition in A levels
  • S – Skilled–  Train for skills that will shape up your character
  • P – Professional – We provide opportunities to progress and meet the requirements of the professional world
  • I – Independent – Learn how to plan & organise independently.
  • R – Ready – Get  ready to meet the challenges of future
  • E – Enlightened – Spiritual awakening to practice equality, service to all and humility   

Our young professionals are offered a structured and sophisticated academic programme encompassing 3 to 4 subjects in AS and A2. Also, we offer professional pathways qualification entitled.

  • Level 3 National Extended Diploma in Science
  • Level 3 National Diploma in IT
  • Level 3 National Diploma in Business

We also offer an opportunity to complete an Extended Project Qualification and LAMDA.

Each subject has 6 lessons per week, and the remaining periods are allocated to independent and private study, which members of staff monitor. Sixth Form suite is fully WiFi equipped, which enables our young professionals to use their own laptops or tablets.  We work with professional career advisers who visit our sixth form 3 times a year to provide the best advice to guide our YPs in choosing the right university course and career. Our Coaching for Learning Programme with daily mentors enables our YPs to identify the barriers and develop strategies to remove them. Central to the ethos is pastoral support through the team of Personal Tutors, all experienced and successful teachers.