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Year 2

Welcome to Year 2

  • 2S – Mrs Pankhania
  • 2S LSA – Miss Mehli
  • 2N – Miss Zakikhani
  • 2N LSA – Mrs Panesar

In Year 2 we aim to provide children with an enriched learning experience in a safe and stimulating environment. Over the course of the year the pupils will cover a broad range of topics which will excite them, promote curiosity, encourage problem-solving and develop team work skills. Each term the curriculum maps will be posted on the website so please do have a look to see what your child will be covering that term. We encourage additional research and practice at home of key skills to promote better progress.

Year 2 Reading

Reading is a key life skill and we cannot emphasise enough the importance of pupils putting in the required effort both at home and school to ensure they develop into strong readers. Pupils will have guided reading every week during which they will develop key skills such as inference, comprehension and prediction. By the end of Year 2 we expect pupils to be able to read most age appropriate words automatically and at a reasonable pace. As a general guide, we aim for children to be able to read 90 words per minute. Please ensure you read with your child every day for at least ten minutes, encouraging them to sound out unfamiliar words in addition to explaining their understanding of what they have read.

Year 2 Writing

In their writing, the aim is for pupils to be able to write coherently and for a range of purposes. This includes writing short stories, instructions, poems and non-chronological reports. Each half-term we will cover two units in literacy and by the end of that unit pupils should be familiar with the language and features pertinent to that genre. Over the course of the year we will also have a strong focus on developing basic writing skills. This includes writing in the cursive style and having a proper grasp of basic punctuation such as capital letters and full stops.

Year 2 Maths

In Maths, we teach children the skills to be able to confidently solve calculations and word problems relating to the four operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. In addition and subtraction we mainly use the column method whilst in the latter two areas we use the method of grouping.

Creative Curriculum

This year we will cover a range of exciting topics including Guy Fawkes and The Gunpowder Plot, Kenya and Growing Plants. We typically supplement the learning that takes place in the creative curriculum with drama workshops and an external trip. Further details will be provided later in the year once these events have been booked.

Other Information

Homework, spellings and reading books will be given out every Friday. Homework and reading books are due in on Wednesdays. A weekly spelling test and mental maths test will take place every Thursday. Please ensure your child completes their homework in full and hands it in by the deadline. We encourage children to keep their reading books until Wednesday, re-reading the text until they can read it proficiently and without support.

2AK’s library slot is every Monday. 2SR’s library slot is every Tuesday. On this day, pupils will have opportunity to select a book from the library and to take it home for the week. Please ensure your child brings the book in on the required day so that they can be issued with a new book. Books that are not returned will prevent pupils being able to take out a new book.

2AK’s P.E slot is every Friday. 2SR’s P.E slot is every Monday. Please ensure your child brings their kit to school on these days. More information on the correct kit can be found here.

If you have any queries please contact your class teacher.