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Parents Information

Child Sexual Exploitation

Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE)

Child sexual exploitation (CSE) is a type of sexual abuse in which children are sexually exploited for money, power or status.

Sexual exploitation can involve swapping sexual favours for drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, and other presents. Or it may be having sex for money with several adults. Young people may feel they must have sex because an adult gives them something, or because they feel threatened or frightened.

Some young people may want to have sex because they think the adult is their boyfriend or girlfriend. In reality they are being used for sex, and the ‘boyfriend’ or ‘girlfriend’ may pass them on to other people too. (Remember – sexual abusers can be women, as well as men.)

Sexual exploitation can also occur without any physical contact with children being groomed to post sexual images of themselves online or take part in sexual activities via webcam or smart-phone.

Abusers and groomers are very manipulative and often a young person will not recognise that they are being sexually exploited. Sexual exploitation can happen to boys and young men as well as girls and young women. It can happen to a person of any background, race, ability, sexuality, and age.

In Hillingdon Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE) is taken very seriously and there is a zero tolerance to this form of sexual abuse. Missing children/young people are a priority due to the strong links associated with CSE.

As part of Safeguarding the young people in Hillingdon, there is a robust multi-agency CSE strategy in place, included with a risk assessment for all professionals to complete and refer to Children’s Social Care.

The LSCB are provided with a regular strategic overview of CSE as part of the required scrutiny process. Many professionals have participated in LBH own delivery of CSE Training. There are consistent and robust safeguarding procedures in place and regular multi-agency panel meetings where young people at risk or victims of CSE are discussed in order to ensure the effective Prevention, Protection and Prosecution is taking place as part of London Borough of Hillingdon CSE strategy action plan.

Below are a number of CSE resources for young people, parents/carers and professionals.