Covid-19 Information and Support
We always strive to best support our students who have statutory Education, Health and Care Plans / Special Educational Needs. For many students the support they receive at school is vital for their general wellbeing as well as their education; please see information and resources that will support your child during the school closure. If you require support at any stage; please do not hesitate to contact us via the school office.
GNSA SEND Support Procedures During Full School Closure
Please click below for further details on the provision we aim to continue to deliver during school closure.
GNSA Emergency SEND Support Procedures During Full School Closure
Hillingdon SEND focussed distanced learning ideas
How can I help my child’s cognition and learning at home?
- Make learning fun / hands on
- Repetition of previous learning
- Include a higher percentage of ‘achieved’ learning alongside a lower percentage of ‘ongoing’ learning so that your child experiences success.
- Use the curriculum maps to ‘pre-teach’ learning so that your child is prepared
- Organise learning into ‘manageable chunks’ throughout the week so your child is not overwhelmed.
- Use all of the online platforms the school subscribes to and the others recommended under each curriculum area.
How can I help my child’s communication and interaction at home?
- Hillingdon Talks has lots of useful videos and advice, please click here.
- Oak National Academy has a specialist section on Communication and Language, please click here.
- Speech Link has a useful Parent Portal, please click here.
- Simplify your language
- Repeat sentences back and add on one word. E.G ‘bus’ you can add on ‘blue bus’
- Ask your child to repeat what you have asked them to do
- Praise attention and listening skills
- Play games at home; board games, Dobble.
How can I help my child’s social, emotional and mental health at home?
- Hillingdon Plays has lots of useful videos and advice, please click here.
- Watch how the Zones of Regulation is used in school here.
- Anna Freud: Self-Care and Coping Strategies, please click here.
- Kooth online emotional wellbeing support, please click here.
- If your child is struggling with a social situation, use a social story. For some examples, please click here.
- Teach your child social skills such as; turn taking, initiating play, eye contact etc.
- Play games at home to encourage social skills.
- Encourage your child to attend a school or external afterschool club.
- Talk to the Wellbeing Team if you have concerns about your child’s emotional and mental health.
How can I help my child’s physical and or sensory needs at home?
- Talk to your child’s class teacher / SENCO / Welfare Officer about any additional support your child may need.
- Hillingdon Moves has lots of useful videos and advice, please click here.
- This has lots of activities aimed at building fine and gross motor skills, please click here.
- A local specialist school has lots of resources and ideas for parents, please click here.
- Oak National Academy has a specialist section on Physical development, please click here.